Baby's Days (Sys IQ Ltd) Data Processor obligations to it’s customers (Data Controllers) in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets specific obligations between the Data Controller and the Data Processor.
With respect to customers who are using Baby's Days (Sys IQ Ltd) as a childcare management system.
The customers using this platform are Data Controllers and Baby's Days (Sys IQ Ltd) is a Data Processor respectively as per the GDPR Regulation.
Processing activities of the Processor Baby's Days (Sys IQ Ltd):
Provision, handling of customer data and providing access to the Data Controller in order to process the personal data of their Data subjects that is hosted on the Data Processor’s Baby's Days (Sys IQ Ltd) servers.
Baby's Days (Sys IQ Ltd) has robust technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of processing, availability and the integrity of Controller’s personal and sensitive data on secure private servers.
Rights of the data subject:
While Baby's Days (Sys IQ Ltd) the Data Processor could assist the Data Controllers (subscribers) by providing appropriate technical and organisational measures to them in order for Data Controllers to respond to data subject requests, Data Controllers are responsible for managing and controlling the personal data of their respective clients (data subjects).
As Data Controllers, Baby's Days (Sys IQ Ltd) customers are being exclusively responsible for overall compliance with the Information Commissioner’s office (Supervisory Authority) requirements.
However as a Data Processor, Baby's Days (Sys IQ Ltd) shall always ensure that the clients who are the Data Controllers have access to data stored on the Processors secure servers should their clients (Data Subjects) invoke their rights to access their personal data.
Baby's Days (Sys IQ Ltd) are not legally responsible in responding to any SAR (Subject Access Requests) from data subjects of Data Controllers.
The Data Controllers i.e. the customers of Baby's Days (Sys IQ Ltd) are licensing our childcare management system and must take all reasonable steps to demonstrate compliance and accountability to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).