What's Included?

What's included in Baby's Days?

What's included in Baby's Days?

It might actually be easier to tell you what isn't included in the Baby's Days system than to tell you what is included, that's because there are are over 90 features and sections on every Baby's Days system.

Baby's Days is the most advanced child care software package available, no other system has anywhere near the features and benefits of a Baby's Days system, and includes among others: Bottle Feeds, Nappies, Sleep Records, Progress (learning Journeys, Photographs, Observations, 2 Year Progress Check, Termly Reports, Photographs, Videos, Policies, Permissions, Contracts, Invoices and Expenses, Attendance Registers, Short and Long-Term Medications, Accidents, Incidents and Existing Injuries, Newsletters, Authorised Persons, Risk Assessments and so much more!

Shown to the right are all the features on the system listed in alphabetical order, simply click on any of these links to read more about that section including detailed information and screenshots.

Baby's Days is the most advanced childcare management system in the world, it is not just a package allowing you to add observations, next steps and a diary for children, it is a complete system with over 90 sections included allowing you to run your entire business removing up to 99% of the paperwork you currently complete in your setting.

Click an icon below to see a system feature

With over 100 available features on every Baby's Days system, select one below that you'd like to read about first.


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