Shown below is detailed information and a selection of screenshots taken from the Temperatures section from both versions of the Baby's Days system.
To view screenshots and information from other areas of the system, click on any link to the right.
Recording the temperatures within your setting for the Fridge, Freezer, Meals and Rooms results in a mass of additional paperwork, with Baby's Days all these temperatures are added quickly and easily on to the system so there is no longer any need to store these temperature recordings on paper. Three different temperature sections are available: Fridge & Freezer, Rooms and Meals/Foods and you don't need to use all the sections that are available.
Add Temperatures each day for 2x Fridges and 2x Freezers.
Add Temperatures each day for up to 4x different Rooms in your setting and name each Room.
Add Temperatures each day for up to 4x different meals/foods and name the meals/foods.
A graphical display is shown for each temperature section, so you can see at a glance the monthly temperatures.
Statistical data for each section including highest, lowest and average temperatures for the month.
An Overview page displays all 12x temperatures for each day of the month.
You can communicate and add data directly to the temperatures section on your Baby's Days system from any of your Amazon Alexa enabled devices.
You can quickly and easily ask "Alexa" to record the temperature of any room, meal, fridge or freezer, in addition you can ask "Alexa" what the temperature is for a specific room, meal, fridge or freezer.
Shown below are a selection of screenshots and additional information relating to the Temperatures section on the system.
Temperature Overview
The overview page of the Temperature sections allows you to quickly add all the temperatures for the 2x fridges, 2x freezers, 4x rooms and 4x meals/food. Selecting a temperature is completed with the click of a mouse and selecting the temperature from a drop down list, there's no need to click save as all data is instantly saved.
In addition for each day of the selected month you can see the temperatures for all the sections that have been completed.
Temperature Sections
Each temperature section has detailed statistics so you can see at a glance the highest, lowest and average temperature for the selected month.
Temperatures can quickly be added by clicking on the thermometer icon and by selecting the required temperature from a drop down list. All temperatures for the different sections are colour coded and each area can be named, for example: Play Room and Sleep Room etc.
Graphical Display
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